Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Razor Sharp final draft

This poem called Stay Razor Sharp and it focuses on how we live our lives. If it is in a divine light, or dark void. The poet describes the many hardships that we go through in our lives. But if we are kind to other people no matter how difficult the circumstances are, you will have a peaceful heart, accomplishing things might be harder but in the end you will be proven right and you will have eternal life.
I picked this poem because it relates to the many people we have talked about throughout the course. For example Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of peace and non-violence that no matter how much hatred and violence was around him or how much he had to deal with himself, the constant death threats he remained firm in his convictions.
If you do not have peace within your heart it will continually rot, and you will turn into the people that have the same hatred for you. In a world filled with war and violence directed toward innocent people the more peacemakers we have in this world the better off we will be in our societies. The sad part of it is our society promotes war and violence. The media sees it as some game which is for entertainment purposes. The kind of television that is shown today destroys the hearts of the young and old. For example you will have propaganda films today promoting wars in countries. That is the same thing that occurred during World War II. The video we saw in class about Japanese camps which basically showed you the positives about them living their not being harmed. The video made it seem that the conditions at the camps were good and livable.
The poem talks about how "Blessed things will come to the blessed", no matter who you are or what your background. Acts of kindness will always be acceptable. If by some chance they are not acceptable in this world, they will be acceptable in eternal life. It might be hard sometimes to do the right thing. The world doesn't always like to do the right thing. People have been martyrs for standing up for equal justice and civil rights for all. Rosa Parks stood up to the system and refused to sit at the back of the bus and Martin Luther King Jr. life was taken from him because he promoted equality for all.
This poem is very good because it explains how peace will always win out over violent acts of aggression. Peace is the engine that will always drive our society. In the tough times being peaceful and kind is extremely difficult. Many individuals who went through the Civil Rights movement experienced this first hand. Many times the media does the wrong thing and promotes an agenda which is counter productive to peace. People should stand up for what is right not just what is popular. What the marchers did in the south was not popular among the majority of the south but they did it anyways because they wanted blacks in the future to live in peace. If we practice peace then our world will be a better place.
I found this poem at www.zimbio.com

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