Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Immigration and racism final

This news article I found comes Time Magazine and is called "Is Racism Fueling the Immigration Debate". The article talks about how a new census report came out saying 45% of the nation's children under the age of five are racial or ethnic minorities. The hispanic population growth is going at an alarming rate. Some people use this growth as a chance to show their racial prejudices toward Hispanics. They see this as disturbing because in 25 years almost half of the population will be hispanic. There fearful they will be overrun by a darker skinned people and soon not be in the majority. But a census bureau released a projection a year earlier saying the hispanic population in the U.S. will be about 20.1% far below what the other census projected.
This speaks to the deeper issue of why I picked this article because it talks about racist feeling that still exist towards minorities and especially hispanics. In class we talked about how America wanted to expand its borders and fought a war with Mexico over the southern part of Texas. After the U.S. defeated Mexico, many Mexicans still lived in the land occupied by the U.S. feeling like prisoners in their own land. Many Mexicans felt like they should be getting all the rights the average American was granted.
In class we talked about why America expanded. It was because they wanted to build a great society in Mexico. The resources weren't being utilized to its fullest potential. They could create a booming middle class if people moved out their and expand the American economy.
The Mexican population must feel really angry because first America took their land then secondly they tell them your not welcome here. We are going to put up a wall in order to keep you out. The U.S. government does not send troops to the Canadian border because there is a tough of racism involved. The debate should be what kind of skills do Mexicans provide? Are they going into the labor force or more white collar jobs. Also an important question is if they are undocumented or not? Our country was founded on immigrants coming to this country such as the Irish, Germans, Italians etc. At that time they were discriminated against because they talked funny, their appearance was different, or they were thought to not have a strong work ethic. But we gradually accepted them into society and made America great. The same can be done for Mexicans, their skills and talent have a positive effect on America.
Not everyone that is against immigration is racist. They object to illegal immigration. Individuls who break our laws and come to this country illegally have to pay a price for doing this. It is not fair to all the people who waited their turn in line who were Mexicans and come to this country legally. Lawmakers right now are trying to come up with something that will stop the flow of illegal immigrants and at the same time create a guest worker program which will help in the situation of people who are already here illegally.
I found this article at
In this article I took the knowledge of what I have learned about the Indians and how the U.S. government treated them to the issue of mexicans. I have leared to improve my knowledge of the issues and not blindly follow what the media says all the time on the issue of illegal immigration.

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