Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Racism ignored by mainsteam final

The article that I selected is titled "Racism Ignored by Mainstream by Bunty Anquoe. The reason I selected this article is because it talks about the racism Native Americans deal with on a daily basis and it relatively goes ignored by the mainstream of society. The author compares the use of the word "redskin" to the "N" word used against blacks. In Takaki we talked about how Native Americans were taken advantage of by white men through the unfair treaties enacted that took their land away from them. This was done by our Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson. The article also goes into the certain policies that have hurt Native Americans. Congress seems to care more about animals and parks than Indians. Budgets every year seem to be cut by Congress and more money is allocated towards the status of a horned owl or a whale.
Another big issue for the Native American community is the term redskin, or Indian to describe certain professional sports teams. Let alone to have the professional football team in our nations capitol to be called the Washington Redskins. In class we talked about the symbols portraying different ethnic groups as Indians. The symbols to many people we saw in class would offend those races. Portraying Irish as drunk people, all Germans looking like Hitler and Catholics with wearing the Popes hat. Native Americans feel just as offended by the Redskins logo as would all Germans looking like Hitler.
The author seems to believe their is more of a public outcry of racism against blacks than their is against Native Americans. It is that situation because African American have spokesman who promote equal justice for all such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Native Americans really do not have a leader fighting for their rights. The African American community was able to get alot of the rights they have today through the hard work by these people. There might be a segment of the population that feels that it is easier to assimilate blacks than it is Native Americans. It might take us awhile as a country to give more rights to Native Americans because it took along time for whites to give rights to blacks. In our country things take time and movements do not just pop up out of the sky.
It is ashame that Native Americans are still getting discriminated. Minority groups of all kinds are still getting discriminated against. Native Americans do have a point when they say that their message is not getting out there about discrimination. Our country needs to step up and talk about Native Americans and how they should not be held down in our society today. The 1964 Civil Rights Act said you cannot discriminate against anyone based on race, creed, color. It is up to the media and Native Americans themselves to get there story out there so people will wake and stop the racism towards Native Americans.
I found this article through the Ethnic studies newsletter at Proquest

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