Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Racism on your shoe final

The magazine article that I have selected is called "Is That Racism on Your Shoe? It describes how between blacks and whites there is seperation. The groups want to stay together within each other and do not want to associate with the other side. They segregate themselves from each other living in different areas of town and society. The author describes how their seems to be a "pile of poop in the middle of the room". These different groups tip-toe around each other not wanting to interact because they come from different cultures. It really damages someones perspective of the world if they do not associate with a particular race. The article talks about that if no friction or interaction happens between blacks and whites then we haven't made the progress some people had thought we had. While 75% of the white population favor integration in housing areas and interracial marriages another 25% want segregation. People feel that if there is seperation of the races then the tensions will be lowered and we will live a more peaceful society. It hinders your learning by not having experiences with blacks or any other minority group. The more cultured you are the better off you will be as a person. The more productive a society you will be if intergration is practiced than segregation. Blacks might have skills that a white person doesn't and if segregation is practiced then a society will be lagging because the skills they need are not available. People at the founding did not give blacks a chance to educate themselves. That is why in south during the mid to late 19th century the south lagged behind the north in economic production because they did not emphasize education in dealing with agriculture and as a result their society failed.
The article also talks about interracial marriages and how even in a society where we have made great progress still many people are against people of different races marrying. Interracial marriage can only serve as a benefit because it makes the child experience both cultures in a different light. It diversifies them making them more tolerate and understanding of each group. They can also face discrimination among each side because they will say he is not black enough or is not white enough. It is like we talked about in class with described as fraction black even if you were white you would be discriminated against because laws varied from state to state.
As a country we need to start learning about the other side and not be afraid to talk to someone that is of the other skin color. You will probably learn something from them you didn't know. A knowledgable society, is a tolerant society which is a productive society which is a better society.
I found this article at

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