Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Race War song

There is a song by Ice-T called Race War which he raps about African Americans in our society today and the struggles they have gone through. Ice-T explains how many white people love him and love his music. He says they should show the same respect for people of his race and other minority groups. There is a difference between the way they treat the well to do black man compared to the average black man or minority group.
The reason I chose this song as a media item is because this song really talks about the discriminatory policies that our government has put into place. It is one thing to actually pass a piece of legislation which is good but when the legislation is not implemented well it has an adverse effect on minority groups. For some people they feel the U.S. government has focused more on starting wars in other countries than actually focusing on the needs of its citizens at home. Or the government will create divides against the different minority groups. For example the 1964 Civil Rights Act was a great piece of legislation that was long overdue. It barred discrimination at lunch counters, buses etc. But it did not stop discrimination against blacks because some people especially in the south have racist tendencies towards them, even if the laws are forbidden they will find ways around it. The law that was passed because of past discrimination against people such as Rosa Parks who refused to sit at the back of the bus or Emmitt Till who was horribly killed because he talked with a white woman who thought he was threatening her. The perception by some people in the government or media is that blacks and other minorities are still threatening to our way of life. Ice-T says all the minority groups are blacks and are not represented as a society today. Too many people that are in leadership positions want to focus against the issues of the black man. Ice-T says not even the police are on the black man's side. For example the Rodney King beating in Los Angles
Ice-T does a really good job in his song of explaining the issue of race as he sees it in our society today and how its been used throughout history. Where I think Ice-T goes wrong is he goes by "the everyone is against us philosophy", and doesn't place more of the blame on blacks as a society. Does the white man deserve blame for past discrimination? Yes. But some of the blame should go to blacks. For example most single parent homes are found in black families. Which leads black men into crime, then in turn leads them to jail. Is it the government fault this happened? No. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions. I believe the blame should not be put all on one side.
I found the song at www.asklyrics.com/display/Ice-T/Race_War_Lyrics/132759.htm

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