Wednesday, November 14, 2007

African Americans and Simpson Verdict final

The news article I chose is called "African Americans Respond to the Simpson Verdict". Many in the African American community were extremely happy because they felt one of their own beat the system that they felt has discriminated against them for centuries. You had black people who even thought O.J. Simpson committed the murders still were happy to see him free. The Simpson case created a great divide we have in our country between white and black America. White Americans saw a guilty man in Simpson that got away with it. It was one of the few times where a black man was let off and a chief reason of that was he had the best legal team a guy could have. The jury was heavily a minority which favored Simpson. It had been proven that the Los Angeles Police Department was racist by the testimony from Mark Fuhrman.
Our judicial system has been unfair to blacks throughout our nations history. The case involving Medgar Evers which he was shot by a white man who was let free by an all white jury. It took almost 25 years for the trial to be redone and justice was finally served and the white man who committed the murder was found guilty. Also blacks saw this as payback for the Emmitt Till murder in the 1950's.
It really ashame when our justice system becomes that racially divided. Any evidence that should be brought before a court should be conclusive evidence not based on someones race. But in our society today many people see justice in either black or white terms. In present day our judicial system has done a better job of trying to promote diversity in our court rooms and through out law enforcement matters as well. If we as a society put pressure on our legal system to do the right thing by being more of umpires and calling it down the middle and not by race then the better off a society we will be.
I found this news article from Ethnic NewsWatch

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