Sunday, October 7, 2007

American flag and racism

There is an image by Constance B. Schultz that shows an elderly woman and a American flag in the background. The elderly woman is holding a broom and a mop. It represents the occupational stereotype of African Americans in that they only do manual labor jobs and they cannot comprehend white collar jobs or jobs that require an extensive education. Back in the 1800's you had scientists of that time period say that white people were smarter than black people and it was scientifically proven. Black people had to be slaves or be involved in servitude. After a while they probably believed all that was said about them and just gave up and did there duties because that's the way life turned out for them. This picture represents how America was not the land of free. Our founding fathers might have said "all men are created equal", but that meant if you were only white and owned property. The elderly African American woman wanted to experience the American Dream but because of the racism that has existed since the beginning of time and the policies that the American government has put into place she was unable to do so. The image also shows me how sad this woman is that she was subjugated to a life of servitude and future generations might be able to experience a life of true freedom that she was unable to experience. For some people they could be born into the American Dream and think that America is the greatest nation on earth. Others see America as a place that is free if you are white and of a certain economic class.
I found the picture from the website and it is called African American photography to about 1960.

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